
Peanuts is an iconic American comic strip created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz, first published on October 2, 1950. The strip is centered around a group of children, most notably Charlie Brown, a kind-hearted but often unlucky boy, and his dog Snoopy, an imaginative beagle with a rich fantasy life.

"Peanuts" became immensely popular for its gentle humor, philosophical musings, and relatable characters. It ran for nearly 50 years and appeared in over 2,600 newspapers worldwide, making it one of the longest-running and most influential comic strips ever.

The world of "Peanuts" extends beyond the comic strip to include television specials, movies, merchandise, and even theme park attractions. Schulz’s creation remains a beloved part of global pop culture, celebrated for its heartwarming and timeless exploration of life’s everyday challenges and joys.